We made a huge impact Purging the RINO "establishment" in the SCGOP with the 2021 and 2023 March / April / May Republican Party Precinct ReOrg, and we are not done yet. YES ... keep registering!!! We are NOT STOPPING!!!
SIGN-UP for the 2025 South Carolina ReOrg - Capture SC Project!!! We are getting started NOW and make a huge difference between now and the next ReOrg!!! Get involved TODAY!!!

Join us for your local Republican Party Precinct ReOrg, required by law, to be held in March 2025. This is where you can have your voice heard and make a real difference in supporting patriotic and conservative values.
Register below for more information and join us in this battle. Decisions are made by those who show up. We can keep complaining, or we can show up in March and join in the process.
Register below and we will put you in touch with your COUNTY leaders. Additionally, if you want to volunteer for a leadership position, either at the Precinct, County, or State level, please let us know.
We will be publishing a slate of MAGA delegates to vote for at the County Conventions in April and the State Convention in May. We need to send a full slate of MAGA delegates to our respective county and state conventions if we want to purge the South Carolina Republican Party of the RINO "establishment". JOIN US and be a MAGA delegate to take back the Republican Party!!!